60: Laurie McDonald — Clinical Hypnotherapist on Extraterrestrial Phenomena
Hello Transpersonal Radio listeners. We have a very special guest with us this evening who is going to share with us her knowledge and experiences with extraterrestrial phenomena. Clinical Hypnotherapist Laurie McDonald, owner of True You Hypnotherapy, is the founder and organizer of the Sacramento Alien Abduction and Contactee Support Group. She is a graduate […]
59: Julliena Okah – Violin Virtuoso on her Near-Death Experiences and Alien Encounters
Hello Transpersonal Radio Listeners! Tonight we have a very special guest who is going to share with us her near-death experience, alien encounter experience, and various paranormal experiences. Julliena is going to share with us her story of how her extra-terrestrial encounter and various paranormal experiences have influenced her music and paintings. Julliena says that […]
58: Ruben Uriarte – State MUFON Director for Northern California
Our guest tonight is Ruben Uriarte of MUFON — the Mutual UFO Network. A little background on Ruben: He graduated from Cal State University at Hayward/East Bay with a B.A. in Psychology and Latin American Studies. Ruben has been involved with a large network of research organizations. He has served as a California State Coordinator […]
57: Michaela Rena – Ordained Minister, Soul Coach, Author
Michaela has studied the field of Religion and Spirituality for over 20 years. She is an Ordained Minister and Soul Coach who places major emphasis on assisting people with how to go within — and use tools to research the sacred text in order to gain clarity and understanding on a multitude of diverse theological issues and […]
56: Mariana Cooper — The Aha! Factor
Tonight’s guest, Mariana Cooper is the author of the new book, The Aha! Factor: How to Use Your Intuition to Get What You Desire and Deserve. She is the acclaimed host and executive producer of the International Aha! Moments Radio Show which has over 120 episodes on iTunes — in fact, she was just doing her own radio […]
55: Dr. Ida Greene – Journey to Self Love
How would you like to increase your capacity to give and receive love? Would You Like to Have More fulfilling Relationships? Would You like to Feel More Joy in Your Life? Are You Ready to Own or Take Back Your Power? Today’s guest, Dr. Ida Greene — is known as the Sage of Self Love. […]