65: Sean Mahoney – Engineer and Skeptic turned Remote Viewer and Certified Hypnotist

Hello Transpersonal Radio Listeners, I’m really excited about tonight’s guest, Sean Mahoney. This should be a fun show. If you’re into ghosts, hauntings, remote viewing, the paranormal, and all things psychic — stay tuned because tonight a left-brain, skeptic and engineer shares his life-changing experiences and some events that opened him up to an entirely […]
64: Special Episode TruthFunders | Inception Radio Network | Interview with Angela Lynne Gibson

Hello Transpersonal Radio listeners, For those of you keeping track, Intuitive, Spiritual Healer, and Author Dr. Richard Jelusich was going to be joining us this evening. Unfortunately, Dr. J had to go to the emergency room this morning for health issues, so please send your love, prayers, and healing energy for him to experience a quick […]
62: Marty Rosenblatt – The Applied Precognition Project

Hello Transpersonal Radio listeners. Tonight we are going to delve into the more scientific side of the paranormal. As you know by now, I prefer to ground the woo-woo in science, and separate wishful fantasy from evidentiary substance. I’m really excited about tonight’s guest, Marty Rosenblatt because his life’s work is bridging physics and applied precognition . Marty […]
60: Laurie McDonald — Clinical Hypnotherapist on Extraterrestrial Phenomena

Hello Transpersonal Radio listeners. We have a very special guest with us this evening who is going to share with us her knowledge and experiences with extraterrestrial phenomena. Clinical Hypnotherapist Laurie McDonald, owner of True You Hypnotherapy, is the founder and organizer of the Sacramento Alien Abduction and Contactee Support Group. She is a graduate […]
59: Julliena Okah – Violin Virtuoso on her Near-Death Experiences and Alien Encounters

Hello Transpersonal Radio Listeners! Tonight we have a very special guest who is going to share with us her near-death experience, alien encounter experience, and various paranormal experiences. Julliena is going to share with us her story of how her extra-terrestrial encounter and various paranormal experiences have influenced her music and paintings. Julliena says that […]
58: Ruben Uriarte – State MUFON Director for Northern California

Our guest tonight is Ruben Uriarte of MUFON — the Mutual UFO Network. A little background on Ruben: He graduated from Cal State University at Hayward/East Bay with a B.A. in Psychology and Latin American Studies. Ruben has been involved with a large network of research organizations. He has served as a California State Coordinator […]