15: Angela Yendes of Dysautonomia International – POTS (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome)
In this podcast I interview Angela Yendes, a nurse who is also on the board of Dysautonomia International. We discuss various aspects of Dysautonomia, specifically POTS (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome). This podcast was recorded 1 July 2013 and is one in a series on the topic of dysautonomia and hemiplegic migraines. FINALLY! Again, thanks for […]
14: Angela is back! A little insider info on the last couple years…
Here’s the backstory on why I disappeared, what I’ve been up to and a peek at where we’re going. To all you loyal listeners, thanks for sticking around! And to you newbies, welcome! Hope you find some value here! Or at least some entertainment! =) I’m finally back to doing my podcasts! YEEEEAH!!! I have […]