Hello Transpersonal Radio listeners!
linda summersTonight’s guest, Linda Summers, is passionate about changing the consciousness of humanity by awakening individuals to see their own truth.
She is a Radio Show host, TV Show Personality, Speaker, Author and Mentor. Linda hosts “Conscious Talk Radio,” her show on Blog Talk Radio that has over 26,000 listeners.  She has provided presentations to Rotary Clubs, Women’s organizations, the Chamber of Commerce, and Corporations. She has also coached law firm and editorial magazine employees.
Linda’s special gift is her ability to help people shift their perspective, thereby creating more peace and joy in their lives. She does this by shedding light on a person’s concepts, ideas and thought processes, helping people to heal through their own inner reflection.
Linda believes that everyone walks his or her own path, and that every experience is an opportunity to learn, and to evolve. She arrived at this stage of life through her outer journey as a Life Coach and Mentor, Interviewer, Host, and Motivational Speaker.
Through her inner journey of breaking through personal fears, releasing and letting go of things that no longer served her and that were blocking her own truth, she was able to raise her consciousness, find peace, and discover her passion.
Linda says: “We have entered into a new consciousness, one that is about oneness, unity and love.  The only way we are going to make a difference in the world, is if we make the difference. It begins with us and how we are BEING and what we are putting out there mentally, emotionally and physically. It’s time to ‘Wake Up.’ It is my intention and commitment to humanity to raise the consciousness and shift one’s awareness to awaken to find their truth, be empowered from their truth and in revealing truth, find their happiness.”
Linda speaks on various topics, and tonight’s focus is going to be on “Being seen and heard.”
Find out more about Linda on her website LindaSSummers.com.
Listen to Linda’s radio show: Conscious Talk Radio.