61: Noel Rosos is a husband, father, writer, performance coach, and self-proclaimed FAILUROLOGIST

Hello Transpersonal Radio Listeners! Tonight’s guest is going to share with us how we can capitalize on our failures to find happiness and success. Noel Rosos is a husband, father, writer, performance coach, and self-proclaimed FAILUROLOGIST whose mission is to help people understand, overcome, and capitalize on failure. Noel has been employed in the IT […]
54: Richard Scott of Mynd Works – Focus Your Mind and Change Your Life

My guest — Richard Scott — hails from the UK and currently lives in Brisbane Australia. Richard combines Psychology, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy with traditional and modern hypnosis to deliver a more effective solution to his clients at Mynd.Works Therapy. Richard’s highly successful techniques are world renowned with clients spanning over 30 countries, including […]
53: 5 Steps to Mastering Anxiety with Andrew Pearce

Hello, Transpersonal Radio Listeners! Here we are almost through the second month of 2016 already! Where does the time go? How many of you have achieved your New Years Resolutions? How many of you are even on track with your New Years Resolutions? Do those questions give you anxiety? Did you avoid even making New Years Resolutions because you wanted to […]
52: Isis Jade – human trafficking survivor and renowned master intuitive

Abducted and held prisoner by a human trafficker for nearly six months, Isis Jade’s story of captivity and torture — before finally escaping was just the beginning of a decade long healing journey. Today, Isis is a renowned master intuitive, speaker, author, and soul guide. She works with people who are called to transform their […]
50: Cindy Sharp – Sharpening Your Spirit and Living Your Calling

Before spirit filled light workers step out and start a business, there is one BIG step to take. “Full acceptance of your gift.” Sounds simple. Right? This is where the statement, “Easier said than done” reigns true. In this hour, we will talk about acceptance, true self love, and stepping into your calling fully! A topic of great interest to me is that of human perseverance. Why is it that some — when faced with overwhelming adversity — give in and give up, while others continue to survive and even thrive? I don’t want to fall into the false dichotomy trap of […]